About 1995 we decided to take a camping trip around the Olympic Peninsula here in Washington State. We stopped at all the usual sites. While traveling south of Kalaloch we ran across a beach that we had not seen before. There was a camp host and maybe one or two campers on the bank above the beach. It was such a beautiful place where you could just walk from the car down a small bank over the drift wood and be on the ocean beach. Take a left or right and you could walk for miles. We left but vowed that some day we would return and camp there. I guess if we had a "bucket list" this would be one of the destinations on it.
Our latest ventures took us again around the Olympic Peninsula and while camping at Forks we took a ride in the truck trying to find that beach that we had found years ago. Well we found it and the next day hooked up the 5th wheel and headed south to see if we could get a spot and check off that item on our list.
As it turned out, just before we arrived a large bus (motor home) had just pulled out and we got one of the best spots at the top of the bank and spitting distance from the Pacific Ocean.
We set up camp (no power or water), put up the flag and settled in for a wonderful 3 days of camping. In the distance is a low fog bank that would come and go from day to day.

The tide is out but this is a view from the front door of our 5th wheel on a clear day. A lawn chair for both of us and also one for CC. We had a table, fire pit and a bottle of wine, what more could you ask for.

As the sun set to the west it got a little cool but who could go inside with a view like this.

Someone had built a fort out of the driftwood in front of us and hoisted a small American flag. Pretty cool if you ask me as I can remember doing the same thing as a kid. Yes I can remember back that far. Well, some times I can.

The tide came up to the rocks so when it was out we took long walks on the beach. We cut CC loose and she just ran and ran. She was in hog heaven. That's our rig at the top of the bank one of the times that the fog was pushed in on us.

I would never miss an opportunity to get some pictures of various things on the beach. Like the wind blown sand.

Or the piles of drift wood all along the upper reaches of the beach.

Or the sun trying to push away the fog from the trees at the top of the beach.

It's time to head back home up the hill to find something hot to drink or maybe a fire and a tall cold one. I hope someday to get back to South Beach and spend some more time there. I was a little saddened to find out that it was being closed for the season on the 15th of this month. Maybe next year, or the year after.

I will leave you with another unique picture of a garage that we found. I don't think this one has been driven for awhile or any baskets have been made in the moss-covered hoop above the door.

That's all for now so hope you enjoyed another item checked off of our bucket list.