Happy New Year to all our family and friends and if you are here for the first time, well, Happy New year to you too.
Because it's a new year I hope you don't think you can get away without some statistics on our travels this last year (2009). The nice thing about this system is that if you don't want to read them you can just scroll down and avoid the boring stats.
Miles traveled: 23,863 or 1,090 per month.
Miles pulling the 5th wheel: 9,371.
Miles traveled w/o the 5th wheel: 14,449.
Average miles between moves: 152; shortest was 1 mile and the longest was 318 miles.
Number of moves: 64 or 5.3 per month, moved every 5.7 days, shortest 1 day and longest 21 days.
Posted 73 Blogs and took over 3,000 pictures.
We camped in the following states in this order: CA, AZ, NV, AZ, NM, TX, NM, AZ, NV, CA, OR, WA, MT, ND, MN, SD, NE, KS, OK, TX, NM, AZ.
Okay, that's all, now onto what's been going on with us.
We are still at the Western Horizon park of Colorado River Oasis in Ehrenberg Arizona. This is a shot near our campground looking up the Colorado river while out on a morning walk. (Jackie is making Dick get up and walk with her.) California is on the left and Arizona on the right.
Dick got this shot at sunrise out from behind our rig looking across the river. Note that Dick is up and taking pictures at sunrise! That's before Jackie makes him take a walk. It's been right around freezing in the early mornings.

This is the entrance to the park. A great way to add some charm to an old ugly building front. We were able to stay at the park longer than we had figured as we have been teaching country western line dancing 2 or 3 times a week. Not much of a turn-out but we've had a lot of fun.

We invited Dick's brother and sister in law out to lunch on Saturday; they are still camping near Parker, about 53 miles north of here. We had heard about the "Desert Bar" and decided to give it a try. We picked them up and headed out of Parker for 5 miles and then off into the desert on a nasty, bumpy, dirty narrow, rut-filled road for another 5 miles to end up at our destination.
Who in their right mind would come out here to a place with no electricity, only two kinds of beer, three kinds of pop and stand in line for a hamburger without cheese? The sign says "no cheese, ever". And all this outside. We estimated about 200 other idiots were out there.

What a fun place to just sit, enjoy and people watch. They are only open during the winter on Saturday and Sundays from noon till sunset. The seating is on various levels and if you don't like where the table is just pick it up and carry it, along with the chairs, to where ever you want.

Sitting at the table in the foreground is Jackie, Dick's brother and sister in law, Guy and Joan with some quad riders. This table was just an old cable reel and we drug chairs for another area so we could all sit together and have lunch.

To get from the parking lot to the bar area you had to cross a covered bridge over a deep wash. Did I mention that they have a live band when they are open? Good sound but no dance floor.

Every place you look there is another area with seating, and it's all outside.

In the parking lot is an 8' deep building (church) made out of steel. Even the 1"X4" siding is flat bar steel strips.

I should say it's all steel except the copper-clad roof. A very interesting structure and a great place to get lots of pictures.

A view looking through one of the windows in the wall without a room.

Several pieces of art or old cars and trucks are set out to add interest to the area.

It was really a fun place and a great site to enjoy a cold one and relax, that is until your brother takes off for an hour and you have to sit a wait for him to come back from where ever he went so we could go home. But that's another story. After all the talk about the awful road getting up there, it seems we're now going to lead a group up there from our next stop!
Friday it's off to the desert again to meet up with a great bunch of people at the Montana Owners rally in Quartzsite. Last year we made it 2 1/2 weeks dry camping and not sure how long we will be there this year. But hope to get new and larger batteries installed thanks to a good friend who purchased them for us and are bringing them from California so the stay should be a little easier. Thanks John, you are great.
To be continued...