This "job" is very interesting. We use the word job loosely because it strictly a volunteer position. We share the duties with Robbie and Alice who are living in their 5th wheel at a campsite while we moved into a small cabin at the other end of the park. Our day starts with us heading out at 7:00 AM to walk the 1.3 mile round trip to set out the reservation slips at the sites and collect the ones from the sites where the people are leaving.
Back home around 8:00 and Jackie starts in on the daily reports so we can determine what sites (if any) will be available for walk in campers. We usually have campers coming to the door starting around 8:30 or 9:00 looking for a space for the day. We try and have some breakfast when we can fit it in.
We take the golf cart out at 10:00 (check out time) to make sure people are leaving and cleaning the sites for the next camper. We also pick up all the wood that is left over and bring it back to the cabin for our fires. We are back before noon where things slow down and we can get a shower and continue with the paperwork, this is the Federal Government.
We make more runs in the cart to check in campers and answer lots and lots of questions during the early afternoon. Around 4:00 we load up the cart with firewood and make another trip around the park trying to sell what we can. And we make another run at 8:00 to make sure all generators are off for the evening. If we feel it is necessary we will walk the campground at 10:00 to make sure all is quiet and then back home to bed and then start over again in the morning.
We work 4 days one week and then 3 days the next so have lots of off time to go and play. It's interesting and very easy work but some people can make the job very demanding at times. Like the people that try and sneak in at night and move into a reserved site.
Okay fans if you really want to enjoy all the details in some of these pictures you will have to click on them to enlarge them and see what's going on.
Another day, another series of arches here in the park. We went to the "Windows" area of the park early in our stay. We hiked around the area and took a close look at Turret Arch with a window next to it.
You can see that this was early in our stay because the snow was still on the trail

We hiked around the back side of Windows Arch and sure wished that the sky was not overcast, but you take what you can get. Got another picture of Jackie, this one from the side as most are butt shots.

The view from the front side of Window Arches. You can see these two arches from various spots around the park. Another shot of Jackie and other people to get a little scale in the picture.

Near the Windows Arch was a short hike to Double Arch. Dick just had to hand off the camera and try to climb up into the center section. He is not visible in this shot, but...

This is one of those pictures that you will have to click on and blow up to find him. It's interesting hiking up into some of these areas because when you get there it's always hundreds of feet down on the other side. This was no exception. Jackie was happy to stay on terra firma and take pictures.

No trip to Arches is complete without hiking to Delicate Arch. It's only a 1 1/2 mile hike but it's up all the way there. Again, if you blow up the shot you should see a string of people not only on the trail but going all the way to the top over the slick rock. Not the most exciting trail but it was an accomplishment to finally round the bend at the top as the arch comes into view.

Before reaching the top you can look across the canyon at another arch. Can you find the 3 people in this shot. Take a look and it will give you an idea of how large it all is.

When we finally reached the top there was quite a bit of wind blowing and a lot of people wandering around but WOW what a sight with the LaSal Mountains in the background.

Dick was able to get a quick shot without anyone posing under the arch. There is a huge drop off in front and behind. A lot of the people would not walk down under it because of the drop off and the heavy wind.

Dick got Jackie to pose for a picture but just as he was shooting a gust of wind came from behind and took her big straw hat and sent it down into the big bowl in front of her. This is another of those shots that you need to enlarge to see her trying to grab it as it sails away.

Dick yelled at her to smile as her hat sailed further away. We watched it go down over the edge into the bowl and then another gust caught it and we watched it set the hat down on the edge of the arch. Dick was able to very carefully climb out and retrieve it. All the people watching couldn't believe what they just saw. One person said he got it on film and was going to post it on UTube.

Another day we took a hike out onto the hills across from Delicate and this gives you another view of the size of the area and the drop off behind the arch. And this was shot with a long lens.

We will be out of here in about a week so will try and find the time for one more Arches blog before we depart. We've taken lots of pictures, but there is only so much time and space. We've been here for nearly two months and continue to be amazed at the scenery.
To be continued...