Two days later we pulled into our site next to the other host, set up the rig, spent one day in training and then started a 3 day on 3 day off cycle.
This is just a shot of the front of our site, the back opens out to a huge sitting area with a nice fire pit and trees. Notice the view we have out our back window.
And the view we have looking out our side window and sitting area. We have about 6 deer that come by and check us out most nights. The hosts that we share the duties with are both great and fun people that have been working here for several years so know the ropes.
There are about 170 sites in this campground with power to about half of them and it's 100% reservable and we don't have to handle any of the reservation. The second campground is all first come first serve.
Looking down the Virgin river that has cut it's way through the park for thousands of years.
Another view at the upper end of the canyon with a couple sitting on the beach.
End of the trail for walking on the path, from here up it's hit the water and walk what they call the "narrows". It was closed at this time because of the amount of water still running in the river. It's open now but we hear on the radio about every day of people getting stuck trying to get back down, or injured because of the fast moving water.
We have not tried the hike yet but plan on it before we leave, have talked to people that have gone up a mile or two and made it back with their family.
Another hike on a day that it only got into the 80s, now it's up to 105 in the days and 70 at night. We spend the afternoons inside and can sit out in the evenings until 10:00, then it's bed time.

The east side of the park the geology changes drastically from loose rock to slickrocks. This is called checkerboard mesa. And you can see why with the line horizontal and vertical.
The east side of the park the geology changes drastically from loose rock to slickrocks. This is called checkerboard mesa. And you can see why with the line horizontal and vertical.
The white flower is growing from the small Yucca plant.
We took the Watchman trail one day and this was just the start. From here it went up and up above the tree line across the side of the hill.