We last told you we had gone to Tennessee to see an Allegro Bus for sale and then wanted to go to Ohio to see another one. Well, when we got to Ohio and walked into the 40' Allegro Bus, we both looked at each other and knew this was the one. We did a detail inspection and took it for a drive, negotiated a price with the seller, shook hands and told her we would be back in a week to pick it up.
We packed up and went north to Goshen Indiana for a Montana Owners Rally near the Keystone factory. We had an OK time with about 100 other Montanas. Took a factory tour, passed up a $1000 off on our next Montana and then headed back to Batesville Indiana on Wednesday.
We went to Ohio on Thursday, picked up the 2004 Allegro 40' Bus and came back to the RV park here in Batesville to begin the process.
The fun started, it took us 4 long hard days to sort through everything and move into the the Motor Home (MH). Then we had to take several loads to Goodwill, and still took another 3 or 4 days to reorganize the MH, hang our pictures and make it home. Now Dick has to start installing the Wilson antenna, router, and XM radio and other things.
We pulled up door-to-door and decided we needed the exercise up and down the stairs rather than put a board between the rigs.

Today we finally got to a point where there is nothing sitting out looking for a place to be put, so we took the time to get some pictures. The antenna booster and router will be sitting on the dash until Dick gets it all installed. (We need you, John.)

Starting from inside the front door looking back on the right side toward the kitchen. No gas oven so I guess we will be doing less cooking.(We do have a microwave/convection oven, so guess we'll have to work on learning how to use it.) The bright area above the counter is a decorative mirror. There is a great spot for CC just behind the chair. Yes Robbie that is a bottle of our favorite liquid behind the chair so CC can lick any drops around the top.

Storage, storage, storage, but not as much as we had inside the Big Sky, so some stuff which was inside before is now in the basement. Inside the area just behind the kitchen table is the washer/dryer. The couch folds into a double bed and if needed (for small kids) the table will drop down for another bed.

The cabinets are a very rich looking cherry wood and really make the place look great.

Just another view looking back toward the front. The MH has only two slides, the one on the left and one in the bedroom, but there is still lots of room. A little small for dancing, but that's never stopped us!

A sink in the toilet area and also outside next to the shower. The toilet is electric and could pose a problem if we are dry camping for an extended length of time. I think we will be filling the black tank in about a week. Oh well we will just have to wait and see.
Looks like we need to trade in the "trailer life" magazines for "MH life".

Just another picture looking back toward the bedroom.

And the bedroom looking toward the rear with the wash basin counter on the right.

And then turning around and looking at the shower and basin counter with some of the bedroom storage.

Looking at the chest under the bedroom window.

And peeking around the other side of the MH is our new toad, well it's new to us. We purchased a 2006 Jeep Liberty Renegade and we feel like we are in a sardine can after years in the truck!
We traded in the truck and came out with a healthy check to help pay off the MH.
The only problem is that we have to put most of the "stuff" that was in the truck in the basement of the MH. We are still trying to figure out how we can keep the boat with us so if we run across a pond while being tourist we can just blow it up and go paddling.
CC can now stand on the seat and look out the window in the back seat, which she did for the first time today as we took her to the vet for her yearly check-up. Poor dog, first ride in the Jeep and she had to go to the vet! Then to add insult to injury, after we got home she got a bath!
Our schedule is to pull out of here next Wednesday and start heading south but to take our time and see what is interesting in this part of the Country, if only to have pictures to post for you all, or is that y'all.
To be continued...