One of the nights we spent there mother nature decided to show off what she can do and Dick was able to step out of our MH and get several beautiful sunset pictures.
No red filter here just the sky on fire. Or that's what it looked like.
Very nice visitors center and talked to a Ranger that came from Eastern Washington. We did not realize that this park was in the middle of nowhere and just about ran out of gas! We had to travel another 10 miles past the park to get gas and then back to the park.
People were out there sledding, just like it was snow.
On the way back to our MH we ran across another beautiful sunset behind the mountains.
Before we departed Texas we took a car tour of various old Churches. While we saw 8 or 9 Churches of various sizes and religions we will only post a few in our blog due to space only.

All Churches were open for viewing with no one around so we were able to see some beautiful art work inside.
Most of the Churches are well over 100 years old and have been brought back to excellent condition.

We spent about 2 weeks in Arizona and then got on an airplane and are now visiting family in Washington State. The MH is in storage and we will be back there on the 3rd of January. We'll spend some time re-stocking and then plan on going to Quartzsite for a few weeks to camp with the Montana Owners Club as SOBs (some other brand). We both love being here with the family but can't help remembering how warm it is in Arizona. Luckily CC is still in Arizona with Robbie and Alice (who we hope will give her back!). It's cold here.
All Churches were open for viewing with no one around so we were able to see some beautiful art work inside.
To be continued...
Have a good holiday season in cold western Washington!
Are you guys still out there?
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