The wedding was attended by Linda, Rick's wife and their 2 children Jim and Brad, Jackie's Mom and step Dad. Brad walked up and down the pews picking up pencils and dropping them onto the wood floor. All the time Jim kept whispering (loudly) "Brad... Stop". Oh well is was a great day for both of us. (Do we look young or what?!)
In 1983 we had our picture taken with Deanna. Note that Jackie's hair is a lot shorter and Dick's hair is still red and he still has hair.
Jackie's hair is about the same but Dick's is getting a little thin and has lost some of it's color.

We moved to Lopez Island and had this picture taken while we were working the food booth at one of the local high school games. This was in 1992. Jackie's hair keeps getting shorter and Dick's still has lots of red in it (note Jackie's "large" glasses).

Our anniversary dinner in 2002 was again another special day thanks to Deanna, her sisters Debbie and Michelle, and her future husband Darin who footed most of the bill at Canlis in Seattle. What you don't see is Dick has crutches because of an accident and a crushed foot.
Congratulations, love birds! Happy anniversary!
Love the walk down memory lane! Congrats on one more year in love. You guys inspire us.
Wow, 32 years, that's incredible and you're still (obviously) enjoying your life together. Great pictures, thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful anniversary and give CC a hug from her possible future godparents. Miss you guys!
Happy anniversary! Loved the pictures. Tomorrow is our 5 1/2 year anniversary. :)
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