Just down the road from our park is Holy Trinity Monastery. It has a lovely grounds with a gift shop, bookstore, and RV park. We walked the grounds and found a geocache.

Then on to Tombstone--The town that would not die. It is definitely a tourist trap, but also has a lot of history, so was very interesting. The gunfight at the OK Corral happens every day at 2:00, but you have to pay, so we opted to just see the town. Doc Holliday, Wyatt Earp, and other famous folk from the late 1800's actually lived here.

Isn't this guy interesting? Guess he got tired of waiting (for what, I don't know).

Looking down the main street in town. Most of the buildings don't date back to the 1800s because of fires but they have done a good job of making it look old. Including dirt over the paved street.

Another day we drove down to Ft. Huachuca. Our friends told us to be sure to go to the museum there, and they were absolutely correct. The museums (Ft. Huachuca and the Military Intelligence Museums) were very well done.

A large section of the museum was about the Buffalo Soldiers from the 1800s through WW II. We're never too old to learn about our history. The way the information was presented was very well done.

Yesterday we found a way to supplement our income: Pizza delivery? Dick took the sign up to the manager and said "I am here about the sign" his eyes lit up and had a grin from ear to ear, thinking "I finally found a driver". He lost his smile when Dick introduced himself as Driver.

The employees at the pizza place where we went to lunch got a kick out of our last name!
After lunch we once again went geocaching with Rod, Ardith, Charlie and Nila. (Of course Dick is taking the picture!) We found four caches, several of which Nila and Charlie had already found, but they were good sports. It has really been a fun way to see the area. (And we were really glad we wore jeans rather than shorts for our searches in the desert!)
This was also Rod and Ardith's first geocaching trip and first find. Good for you guys.

To be continued...
Hi guys,
Boy, are you guys havin' fun or what? We sure enjoy your pictures of your adventures.
Dirk and Sue
Following your Blog is really entertaining. Great pictures. Wish we could be there with you.
John & Roxanne
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