Sunday, November 16, 2008

Pahrump family

If you have been following this blog you know we have been in Pahrump, Nevada. Now you may ask "why would someone spend 2 weeks in Pahrump?" Well, Dick has a nephew that he has not seen or had contact with for over 40 years.

Let me tell you I (Dick) am sorry that I have not had contact with such a wonderful young man. It was such a pleasure to meet and spend some time with Tim Dahl and his girlfriend Kelli. Thanks Gail (his Mom) for opening up your home for such an entertaining evening and delicious dinner. We both enjoyed it very much.

We spent time together at our RV and also had fun last Monday night watching the family bowl.

Here is a picture from the dinner at Gail's. Left to right: Gail, Tim, Kelli, and Tracy (Gail's daughter).

I was able to get at least one good picture of Tim to share. Must have caught him off guard.
We had his mom, Gail, over for dinner last Friday and had a grand time talking about old times.

I did get a shot of Tim's sister Tracy after she got caught with her finger in the desert.

It was great fun visiting with them while in Pahrump, and we do plan to get back. Thanks again Tim, Kelli and Gail for welcoming us into your lives.
Lots of love
Dick and Jackie
To be continued...


Anonymous said...

That is so exciting! If you are reading this Tim, I just want to say, "HELLO!!". I am your cousin, Michelle. It's so nice to 'meet' you!

Anonymous said...

Hello Michelle,
It is way cool to meet you as well.

Uncle Dick and Aunt Jackie coming to Pahrump has been one of the best gifts I've ever recieved, I hope to get the oppertunity to visit with them again soon.
I am very very greatful Dick and Jackie came our way.
I look forward to meeting you and your family very soon.
Bye for now, Cousin Tim.
P.S. I'm not sure how this Blog thing works so please give me a few to figure it out.